Why Falling Doesn’t Have to Be a Natural Part of Aging


If you or an older adult in your life has fallen, you’re not alone. According to the National Institute on Aging, more than one in four people 65 years of age or older falls each year. Because falls are so common, many people think falls are a normal part of aging. The truth is, they’re not. Most falls can be … Read More

Stay Active, Stay Strong: 6 Easy Exercises for Seniors


Staying active is a key ingredient to a fulfilling life at any age, and for seniors, it’s especially crucial. However, the idea of strenuous workouts might seem daunting. Here’s the good news: you don’t need a gym membership or fancy equipment to stay fit. Chair exercises and light workouts offer a fantastic way for seniors to maintain their health and … Read More

What Is Independent Living?


In decades past, many aging adults moved to a senior living community when they needed additional support at home due to health concerns. Today, active older adults are choosing to move to senior living communities for the incredible lifestyle independent living offers. With fewer responsibilities, they can enjoy freedom and flexibility – plus they can take advantage of perks on … Read More

Six Tips to Stay Mentally Sharp At Any Age


Although it’s normal for people to experience some changes in their cognitive abilities as they age, it’s not a given, studies show. Some people remain mentally sharp well into their 80s, 90s, and beyond – defying the common assumption that cognitive decline is a natural part of aging. When researchers with the National Institute on Aging set out to study … Read More