7 Benefits of Downsizing to an Independent Living Community

benefits of downsizing

What can help reduce stress, free up more time for you to enjoy life, and open the door to a world of new opportunities? Downsizing to all the conveniences and perks of independent living. More and more seniors are discovering that letting go of excess baggage is a smart way to move forward to a more carefree and satisfying retirement … Read More

Valentine’s Day: Dublin couple say laughter is key to their 77-year marriage

Story by Holly Zachariah of the The Columbus Dispatch https://www.dispatch.com/story/lifestyle/family/2022/02/14/dublin-couple-valentines-day-77-year-marriage-henry-mary-baker/6707417001/ From the leather recliner that matches the one his wife is sitting in right next to him, 99-year-old Henry Baker leans forward and puts his wrinkled hands together, linking his fingers like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. “We fit together,” he says as tears pool in his eyes. “We understand … Read More

Comparing Costs of Staying at Home Versus Senior Living

Comparing Costs

When first considering a move to a retirement community such as independent living in a senior living community, it might seem like staying home would cost less. But it’s important to factor in the total costs of living at home—expenses that have become so routine you may not give them much thought. Once you do, you might be surprised to … Read More

Talking to Parents About Senior Living? How to Prepare

Talking to Parents

Talking to parents or loved ones about moving into a senior living community is something many adult children find necessary. As with any subject that affects another person’s life, this one requires patience, empathy, listening skills, and above all, preparation. But if you do prepare, you will find it’s possible to have a positive, productive conversation that can satisfy both … Read More