Five Steps to Walk Away from Loneliness


Loneliness can impact people of any age, but it can be especially debilitating to older adults. Not only can loneliness affect your quality of life, but it can also play a role in your physical health.  Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) found senior adults who self-reported feelings of loneliness had a 59% higher risk of mental … Read More

Everyday Fitness Tips to Support Healthy Aging

fitness tips

Life expectancy of an American born today averages 78.2 years. But what if someone told you there’s a group of people living in different places around the world who have found ways to extend their longevity significantly—and live happier? Welcome to successful aging in the Blue Zones, five regions on the Earth where specific lifestyle traits are working wonders—and you … Read More

8 Retirement Hobbies That Can Help You Live Longer

Retirement Hobbies

Retirement is a time to spend time on yourself, and part of that can include taking up a hobby you always wanted to try or picking up one you once enjoyed. Here are 8 retirement hobbies that are great for seniors that borrow from the wisdom of super agers* who live the longest, healthiest lives: keep moving! *“Super agers” live … Read More

Successful Aging with Blue Zone Lifestyle Traits: Part One

Blue Zones

You may have heard about the Blue Zones, the areas of the world where people live longer and happier lives. (Click here for an article on how the Blue Zones came about.) You also may be wondering just what their secret for healthy aging is. We can tell you it’s not a magic potion or fountain of youth. The answer … Read More